If you are new to a management role, then here are some management tips that might provide you with direction in how to navigate yourself through a new and possibly unfamiliar landscape……

Management tip 1 : Take Time To Learn About Your Staff

If you have been appointed to the management role from outside the workgroup, then it will be important that you take some time to get to know each of your new staff members. If you are going to motivate your staff effectively, then you will need to learn more about each of them as individuals.

Meet with each of them individually and explore their thoughts on things such as…

  1. What do they see as their core role and responsibilities?
  2. What do they see as your role as the manager?
  3. What do they need from you in order to perform at their best?
  4. How do they like to be recognised for good work?
  5. What do they see as the major strengths they bring to their role and where do they still want to improve and learn?
  6. What do they perceive as the strengths and weaknesses in the workgroup and how satisfied do they believe their customers are with the group’s work?

Steven Covey, in his book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” says it is wiser to “Seek first to understand before being understood”……. and questions such as those above may be useful in helping you to commence the building of productive relationships with each member of your staff. At least, it’ can be a place to begin.  Any relationship will benefit by gaining a clear understanding of each others expectations – and discussing and reaching agreement on what is reasonable. This will be one of the keys for effective staff motivation

And don’t forget that your staff have a personal life outside of work, in which you might also show an interest over time. That doesn’t mean you have to try to be their best buddy, it just means being courteous and friendly

Leading with respect

We’ve been looking at the importance of building positive relationships with staff. In this video clip, there are some more great management tips on how to create a positive workplace environment ….

You can read more management tips at

Management-TipsBuilding Relationships With Customers

Management Tips – Choosing the Right Management Course

If you are looking for a short management skills training course, then visit Management Course

Click Leadership Styles , if you would like some ideas on adapting your leadership approach with different team members