Is your organisation looking to offer staff training in career development?

This highly interactive one day training course is delivered in-house and will provide your staff with the opportunity to explore key strategies for planning and managing their development so as to more likely achieve their career goals.

More than 25 Career Development courses have been delivered over the past two years for both management and staff groups within the Department of Justice in Victoria

Course content includes …

  • The need to take responsibility for your career development
  • Identifying your strengths and career drivers
  • Goal setting and identifying the skills and experience that may need to be further developed
  • Networking strategies – who you know can often help to open doors
  • Evaluating whether a job is right for you – will it meet your core values
  • Understanding the use of selection criteria as the framework for the selection process
  • Preparing a resume and application – addressing the selection criteria
  • Researching the job – how to give yourself an edge
  • Job interview preparation – anticipating likely questions, collecting and presenting your evidence
  • Presenting achievements –where you’ve made a difference
  • Managing your nerves in the job interview
  • How to answer behavioural interview questions
  • Selecting your referees

The course is full of tools and ideas that will help your staff better understand the requirements of the criteria-based selection process for a government job (local, state or Commonwealth) – a process based upon the principles of merit, equity and transparency.

The course will give participants a chance to practice responding to behavioural interviewing techniques

