The following offers you an insight our training philosophy and the principles, which guides the way we work and underpins our approach to the design and delivery of our training

You want to see results for your training dollar investment, and not just training for training’s sake.

Our approach to facilitating learning and real behaviour change is based upon engaging the whole person……..

“We have found that if you want to change some aspect of the way your staff or managers go about their work, it is often not enough to simply offer them tools and techniques (although providing them with clear guidelines and frameworks is still important).

Change and performance improvement will often only endure when there is an accompanying shift in the person’s thinking and outlook. Hence, participants in our workshops are encouraged to question some of the beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that actually underlie the way they work with others and perform their roles.

Our trainers are characterized by a lively presentation style; however they also share an ability to create a safe space for participants to do some honest self-reflection.

A crucial component of the change process is for the individual themselves to come to the conclusion that there is room for improvement in what they are doing, and that there are evident benefits in trying something different.

So, the training philosophy that underpins the way we approach the facilitation of learning and sustained change is based as much upon shifting the thinking and outlook of people, as it is about providing them with behavioural techniques”

By the way, you might like to take a look at how we encourage transfer of learning back to the workplace