If you are wanting to develop your personal leadership, then here are some great short video clips that offer some quick personal leadership tips.

Personal leadership is about taking charge of your life and knowing what you want to achieve. It is about building rewarding relationships with the people around you, but being able to set appropriate boundaries. In the workplace today, leadership is not about having a title, it’s about how someone carries themselves. It’s about treating people with respect – and in turn gaining their respect.

Personal leadership means no more excuses and accepting responsibility for where you are in your life. It involves discovering a sense of purpose and learning to trust that you have some innate strengths that you can cultivate – and through these God-given strengths you make a real contribution to your community. And enjoy the benefits of offering a service that is valued.

Many of these videos highlight some of the core principles of Dale Carnegie, who was a highly respected author who wrote many insightful personal development books some sixty or so years ago. The principles in his books are timeless. They are based upon learning to trust yourself and to value who you are and what you have to offer.

Personal Leadership Tips #1 – Create a Personal Vision

Personal Leadership Tips #2 – Serve A Higher Purpose

Personal Leadership Tips #3 – Self Motivation

Personal Leadership Tips #4 – Learning to Delegate

Check out personal development for many more self-improvement ideas and resources.