• Presentation Tips to Control Public Speaking Anxiety

In the following short video clip, I offer four presentation tips for helping to gain control over public speaking anxiety ……the acronym KISS is used to explore these four points

  • Presentation Tips : How to present with impact!

Let’s use the word PRESENT as the acronym to describe seven presentation tips for designing and delivering your presentation with impact.

  1. P is for planning and preparation, including the need to clearly define what you want to achieve through your presentation – as well as identifying the interests and concerns of your audience. If you can marry your objectives with the objectives of your audience then you are likely on track for a successful presentation.
  2. R for try to relax …. and this will be easier when you are feeling well prepared. Always try to do a “dry run” of your presentation so you can rehearse the delivery and reinforce your familiarity with your material. The more confident you are with your material, the more likely you will be able to relax.
  3. E for energy …. inject some genuine enthusiasm into your presentation delivery if you want to maintain audience attention
  4. S for sell your credentials ……. your message will have more impact if you are seen by your audience as an authority figure with the subject matter ……. of course however, you do not want to be seen as arrogant.
  5. E for experience …… most people feel anxious when asked to do some public speaking, but with more experience your level of self-confidence as a presenter will grow
  6. N for never start or finish late …… a lack of punctuality shows a lack of respect for your audience
  7. T is for target your message to the agenda of your audience …… by making regular connections between your presentation points and the interests, goals and concerns of your audience, you will be seen as relevant – and therefore it is much more likely that your message will be remembered
  • Presentation Tips – Starting the development of your presentation

If you’ve ever struggled with developing your ideas and starting to expand the themes for your presentation, then you might find this short video clip offers you some useful tips …

  • Presentation Tips – Grabbing audience attention

One of our great fears as public speakers and presenters is that we may be boring. This short video clip offers some great advice and proven tips on how to grab the attention of an audience, particularly with strong opening comments

If you are interested in Presentation skills training then have a look at our page, Presentation Course Melbourne