An experienced interview coach

interview coach Melbourne

Interview Coaching Melbourne can help you to prepare, practice and rehearse for that all-important job interview. An ON-LINE interview training session will enable you to practice your responses to likely interview questions and potentially gain the extra confidence you need to succeed at the interview.

My name is Brian Carroll. As an interview coach, I bring 25+ years experience in recruitment and an intimate knowledge of what interviewers are looking for during a behavioural job interview.

Are your behavioural examples sufficiently strong and relevant? Are you using the STAR structure correctly in your delivery?

You gain expert guidance to help you prepare with a greater sense of confidence for your behavioural interview, whether it be:

  • Paramedics preparing for Ambulance Victoria behavioural interviewsGovernment job interview coaching
  • Career firefighter behavioural interview with Fire Rescue Victoria or the CFA
  • Government job interviews -both APS & VPS
  • Medical professionals being interviewed for specialist training
  • Graduate interviews
  • Executive and Project Manager interviews
  • Sales, Marketing, HR & Admin interviews


Interview coaching can show you how to present confidently at your next job interview. With the benefit of intensive one-on-one interview training, you will feel better prepared for facing a behavioural interview. You receive feedback on whether your examples seem sufficiently strong and relevant – and whether you are effectively using the STAR structure in your delivery. Call me to discuss further: 0430 972 578

What does an ON-LINE interview coaching session cost?

interview coaching Melbourne

Coaching for behavioural interviews

The cost for an on-line one hour  job interview coaching session is $180

The session will provide you with the direction you need, to present yourself with greater composure at the job interview.

Don’t kid yourself – the person who can do the job best doesn’t always win it, because you’ve also got to learn to sell yourself at the interview. Learn how to improve your interviewing skills and understand the types of behavioural questions that interviewers are increasingly asking.

In this online interview training session, you will be rehearsing your interview with an experienced interviewer. You will be practicing speaking confidently about your experience, achievements and capabilities.

You will gain the benefit of constructive feedback from a professional job interview coach who brings over twenty-five years of experience in the recruitment field. Call now to enquire – 0430 972 578

“I’d been shortlisted for several interviews but not succeeding in winning a job offer. I knew I had good experience and relevant qualifications but apparently wasn’t impressing interviewers in the right way. And it was difficult to obtain any helpful feedback in order to improve – so I eventually decided to seek assistance from a professional. Brian helped me to identify stronger examples than the one’s I’d been using – and he also helped me to present the examples in a way that better show-cased my strengths. ….. After one session with him, I regained my confidence and was selected as the preferred candidate at my next interview.” (Jessica, Events Management Co-ordinator role, 2019)

What are behavioural interview questions?

If you’ve been out of the interview game for a while, then you might not be so familiar with the increased use of behavioural questions by interviewers. These are interview questions that ask you for an example of when and how you have handled a specific type of situation or when you have displayed a specific capability or quality. For example, “Tell us about a time when you demonstrated initiative – describe the situation, your actions and the result?” or “Give us an example of a difficult customer that you had to deal with – how did you handle them?” or “Tell us about a major task or project you worked on recently, and how you went about organising it?”

In a coaching session, I ensure that you are using a strong and relevant example in your response. And we practice the use of the STAR structure, which is a method or way of presenting your example that many interviewers require.(ie. describing the Situation, Task, Actions, Result) ……. In particular, we make sure that the Actions you are describing are helping to showcase your strengths and skills.

Sample behavioural questions can give you a better idea of what you might encounter and help you to prepare, depending upon the selection criteria and the job requirements.

To view some great interview skills training video clips that offer plenty of tips on preparing and presenting at the interview, click Job Interview Tips and also some other really great tips at our page Interview Tips

Corporate Interview Training For the Public Sector : Enquire 0430 972 578

“Managing Your Career

How many times have you seen capable staff within your organisation apply for positions that they are potentially well-equipped for, and yet they either fail to document clearly their experience as it relates to the selection criteria, or they fail to present themselves confidently at the selection interview? Have a look at our pne day course Career Development Training

Your staff will gain expert interview coaching and the direction they need to take more responsibility for their career development

Interviews And Perseverance

It’s easy to get discouraged after a couple of unsuccessful interviews – or what can be worse, not even winning an interview. There is no doubt that for the majority of people, it can become a real test of endurance to obtain the job they want. Of course, interview training can help – but often what is more important is looking within yourself and finding the courage you need to persevere and retain your self-belief. Have a look at our page on Inspiration – video clips, songs and quotes all designed to uplift the spirit

Looking for more interview tips?

Whatever you do, don’t miss checking out my blog – you can learn a lot more about me and also gain more understanding of behavioural interviews – Interview Training Melbourne Brian Carroll

The blog offers an absolute treasure chest of tips and expert advice on how to prepare with method and present with confidence at your next job interview. Don’t leave your success to chance ……. interview coaching with me can give you the extra edge you need to win the job of your dreams.